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NIMES design Paolo Zani, 2012
Handwoven rug in synthetic ‘w-proof’® fiber. Nimes is a structured and compact product. The workmanship is inspired by the typical woven baskets. The result is a contemporary rug, with a combination of particular colors with a mélange effect.

Nimes DG | 01

Nimes EG | 01

Nimes TE | 01

Nimes DG | 01

AQ | 01
acqua mélange
light gray border

DG | 01
charcoal mèlange
canvas border

EG | 01
canvas mélange
light gray border

LG | 01
light gray mélange
canvas border

TE | 01
terracotta mélange
light gray border

VV | 01
light green mélange
light gray border
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