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MACONDO design Paolo Zani, 2020
Dhurrie rug in wool. It is a small space made of irregular textures, assembled colours and fringes where they should
not be. You have to stay inside and forget about the world and things to do. Like a book, it has its own weave and a
plot with characters.

Macondo MC 01

Macondo MC 02

Macondo MC 04

Macondo MC 01

MC 01
soil mélange
light brown mèlange
charcoal mélange
light gray mèlange

MC 02
dark brown mèlange
canvas mélange
light blue

MC 03
plum mélange
light gray mélange
medium brown mélange

MC 04
acqua mélange
blue gray
light blue
canvas mélange
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